Bacarrat Strategy – How to Reduce the House Edge in Bacarrat


Baccarat is a table game that generates a sizeable chunk of Nevada’s casino revenue. It’s a fairly simple card game, but players can still employ some advanced strategies to reduce the house edge.

In baccarat, you wager on which hand, Player or Banker, will have the highest total point value after all cards are dealt. Two cards are dealt to each hand, and sometimes a third one is drawn. The hand with the total closest to nine wins the round, unless it’s a tie. The game can be played in several variants including punto banco, baccarat chemin de fer, and baccarat banque (also known as deux tableaux).

The rules of baccarat are relatively straightforward and easy to follow, but there are some important points to remember before you start playing. First, you must understand that a number only counts as its last digit. For example, an ace would count as 1 in blackjack, but in baccarat it will be treated as 0.

Then you must know when a third card is needed. If the Player’s or Banker’s hands have a total of 8 or 9 on the first two cards, they’re considered “naturals” and are automatic winners. If either hand has a total that is more than nine, the dealer must draw an additional card on both of them. This is where a score sheet comes in handy as it will automatically tell the player whether the Banker must stand or draw a third card.